Buy Nomenal Fenol Forte 40000815 Online
Directions for use
First cleanse the target area. It's recommended to protect sensitive regions with Silkses moisturising skin protector. Next, use Nomelan Fenol Light, Medium, FD or KH by tapping and using a gauze soaked with the solution. Be careful to apply swiftly and evenly.
Spread the product up to the earlobes and forehead (2 mm behind the hairline), ensuring each coat dries for 3 minutes before continuing with next coat. The skin type and thickness will determine the number of coats required. It is recommended that for lighter skin, only 2-4 coats and for darker skins, no more than 2 coats in the first session.
For nomenal solutions, it is not required to wash the solution off afterwards. Instead seal the solution using a thin coat coat of Retises forte y dejar, allowing it to act for 10 hours.